Since 1 July 2018, a new registration requirement for specific occupations and professions as well as a five-day blocking period for the publication of the relevant job advertisements must be observed when advertising vacancies. Without technical support, the recruitment of new employees becomes much more time-consuming and error-prone.
The obligation to register jobs applied until the end of 2019 for all types of occupations and professions with at least 8 percent unemployment throughout Switzerland. From 1 January 2020, the threshold was lowered to 5 percent, which means that significantly more jobs are now affected by the reporting requirement.
Based on previous experience and in consultation with the relevant federal authorities, solique has wholly revised the existing RAV module for solique recruiter and added new functionalities. The module update simplifies and accelerates the additional administrative effort within the current insertion workflow.
The core functionalities of the RAV module are the verification of the duty to report jobs, the automated transmission of the reportable positions to the RAVs and the intelligent control of the blocking period. Thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the checking and selection of reportable vacancies are particularly user-friendly. A bidirectional communication interface also makes it possible for the effective insertion date to be taken over on the company's own career website and on external job portals, taking into account the five-day blocking period for the publication of advertisements.